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As a Latina from the small island of Puerto Rico I grew up torn between embracing my maternal language or the language that surrounded me. In my early childhood years, my family had to move to United States because I needed some specific medical attention. Even though I was only five years old I felt and witnessed the difficult barrier all our family had to overcome adapting to a new culture and language.  


It is in Boston, Massachusetts where I had my first encounter with the difficulties in moving to a new country, adapting to another culture, and being expected to continue one personality and academic standard. In this environment, I was left to learn a second language; at that time the education system did not provide the same accommodations as now for Spanish-speaking kids, so the option was to either learn and maintain your grade or get behind.  My family eventually went back to Puerto Rico where I finished my school years and enrolled in College, but I never forgot the fact that Hispanic and Latino community in the United States was going through similar or more challenging experiences. 


As years passed a longing stayed with me for the place once called home. By 2010 once I got married, my husband and I decided to move to the United States. I was blessed with a hardworking man who ventured and moved out of the environment he'd known his whole life; even when at the time he didn't knew more than fifteen words in English and could only understand 10% of what he read. His positive outlook motivated me to seek efforts and practice my education knowledge helping him learn English as a second language. In a short time, between home sessions and co-workers relationship integration he was able to master the English language fluently at such a level he is now my helping hand here in EXCLUSIVE LEARNING. 


During this personal experience with my husband learning English as a second language, I was able to see the advantage that being bilingual had in his career and personal life. I promised myself that as soon as I could my dedication and knowledge was going to be used for the Latino Community. It is my deepest wish for the English language to not be a barrier in the quality of life for any family in the challenge of adapting to a new country, a new culture and new language. 

-Tony   Gaskins :


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